Tale Of The Oakenwish - liner notes from the album

Tale of the Oakenwish is the story of Kisyra Cedarsong, a lone elf whose people have been oppressed by evil rulers that invaded their lands generations ago.

The only escape from their toil was the stories shared amongst their kind.  One of these stories was of an ancient bow that was said whoever possessed it would achieve their heart’s desire, but it would come at a significant cost, for it was made by the Fae.

While cleaning out an old barn, Kisyra discovered a small box under a broken floorboard hidden ages ago by some long-forgotten traveler.   It spoke of the bow named the Oakenwish and revealed that to seek the bow; one must travel to the forest of Mist and gain the favor of the Fae.

  1. Flight of Cedarsong (3:55)
  2. Forest of Wishes (2:14)
  3. Oakenwish (3:21)
  4. Forest Of Mist (3:46)
  5. The Fae’s Gift (4:12)
  6. Kisyra’s Dream (3:17)
  7. I May Be One (feat. Lindsay Schoolcraft) (4:06)
  8. Valor (2:39)
  9. Lament Of Cedarsong (2:43)
  10. Tale Of The Oakenwish (Continuous Mix) (30:42)


Cello (Tracks 1,2,3,8,10): Dalai Theofilopoulou
Flue (Track 5):  Aleks Newland
Lyrics and Vocals (I May Be One): Lindsay Schoolcraft


All music was composed by Christopher Caouette at Dragonhold Studio.   

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This music will relax, inspire, uplift, and transport you far off into another realm.

Oakenwish is the second in the Chronicler series, a collection of stories that the legendary Chronicler found in his travels. Some were mere rumors, but others he found to be true, and with some so tremendous and dangerous, the tome he created had to be hidden away.  

Now even his collection of stories has faded into the mist.